The past 10 years have been either challenges or opportunities that afford Respect Vietnam to showcase her persistence in making continuous efforts to study and develop ground-breaking, innovative, and long-lasting workplace solutions.
Since 2020
Learning organizations "Made in Vietnam"
Respect Vietnam has adapted global knowledge and frameworks to develop a new "Made in Vietnam" learning and development (L&D) model for learning organizations. This model aims to bridge the gap between strategy and execution by teaching all members how to learn and apply their knowledge to stay competitive, grow sustainably, and navigate high VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environments.
The model simplifies complex concepts, making them easy for all members to understand and practice. It helps define their position on the learning curve, how much more they need to learn, and how far they can go together to achieve shared goals and visions. The key difference in this model is its straightforward approach to identifying and closing the knowing-doing gap within an organization.
This approach helps address common issues such as misunderstandings, miscommunication between decision-makers and implementers, over-engineered solutions to organizational silos, and the blurred line between the need to learn and make sense of their environment.

Anne Nguyen
Since 2015
Value-shared Workplace Initiatives "Made in Vietnam"
Before, during, and after COVID-19, Respect Vietnam and its strategic partners have been researching, pilot-testing, and implementing various new workplace initiatives. These initiatives are grounded in LEAN THINKING and aim to transform workplaces into true LEARNING ORGANISATIONS.
The initiatives introduced before and during their digital transformation include:
Lean Communication on New Workplace Policy on One Page for Change (OPC)
Proposals for New Workplace Ideas with Cost/Benefit Analysis on One Page for Change (OPC)
Digitalized Handbook on Working Rules & Standards with Comic-inspired Q&A
Employee Grievance Handling E-form for Real-time Data-driven Continuous Improvement
Digitalized Handbook on New Labor Code 2019 Regulations
These initiatives are designed to streamline processes, enhance communication, and foster continuous improvement in the workplace.

Jasmine Linh Nguyen
Since 2019
THE KNOW series - Lean Thinking Post-Covid19
THE KNOW SERIES, which is co-organized by Respect Vietnam and
AmCham Vietnam, co-sponsored by WEATWORK, includes the following 05 workshops, which are organized in different cities in Vietnam & also online:
The Know 1: Workplace Regulations
The Know 2: Policy Prioritizing
The Know 3: Risk Management
The Know 4: Discipline & Efficiency
The Know 5: CSR on One Pager

Iron Mike
February 2022
Guide to Working Standards in Infographics
Four medium-sized manufacturers from 4 leading industries (apparel, footwear, electronics, furniture) have their own stories that are worth sharing with RespectVN supports via Weatwork.co platforms.
The four stories uphold responsible business conducts that lead to organizational resilience before & during Covid19.
The four manufacturers implement Responsible Business Conducts (RBC) which take forms of (I) more coherent policies, (ii) better policy interpretation & education; (iii) more sustainable due diligence; (iv) better goal consensus on Business Model Canvas
February 2022
Lean & Digital Workplace Grievance Handling
"WEATWORK gives us powerful mindsets & cost-effective tool-sets to bring all 15 hotel departments to the same page of how to make the 2019 Business Model works. Hundreds of us said One BWP - One Voice/One Promise in any meeting"
"When Covid19 hit us, the most important tool we used was OKR Consensus on Business Model Canvas by WEATWORK. It helped us consolidate all data into a ONE-PAGE proposal that made our CEO come up with the final decisions after only 3 weeks"
March 2022
OPC - One Page 4 Change - flagship model that works
OPC - One Page for Change ©️ - is the flagship model that is studied & created to support lean thinkers, smart doers & game changers to achieve their ultimate goals in a more resilient & cost-effective way.
Since 2010, OPCs have been helping a number of organizations break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life & at work. OPC helps you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your goals.
Get in touch today to see what OPC can do for you.
January 2020
Labor Law Reform 2019 - pending questions
Tia Sang Magazine: After the official ratification of the new Labor Code on the 20th Nov 2019, there is a number of respondents expressing their surprises. The reason was the number of delays since the Code revision was introduced due to the increasing
disagreements over several controversial issues. As a labor & manpower expert who has consulted a great deal of companies, international organisations,
corporations & governments, what is your take on the new highlights the Code has made?
RespectVN Founder: I think the new Labor Code finally got passed on 20 Nov 2019 after a number of delays is a good news. Before that every time a bill was issued a countless number of "heated" debates arrived, then cooled off and some time faded into silence.

Anne Nguyen
December 2020
Grab & Drivers: The relation is yet to be named
RespectVN's Founder was interviewed about Grab and Grab drivers on Tia Sang Magazine, the official voice of the Ministry of Science & Technology.
Three takeaways from the article: Drivers & Grab: The relationship is not yet to be named:
1. One relationship is governed by 3 laws (Business Law, Civil Law, and Labor Law)
2. GIG economy: pros go away and cons come up when bargaining power is too unbalanced
3. Until laws are coherent, Grab should consider social responsibility on Business Model

Iron Mike
November 2020
RespectVN Founder: Decode organisational genes to overachieve (Vietnet24h)
Respect Vietnam CEO/Founder & Creator of Weatwork.co Platform was featured in Vietnet24h.
She was introduced as one of the leading experts in organizational development & people development within Vietnam & in the region.
"I have a passion in decoding organisational genes or DNA which helps explain their successes, failures or their direction of development as well was their tendency to retain & develop talents to foresee future growth and resilience or not"

Anne Nguyen
January 2020
Global Hope Conference: Organisational Resilence
How Covid19 make an impact on leadership, organizational DNA & decision-making practices in for-profit & non-profit organizations in Vietnam?
RespectVN introduced & discussed this concept & the four organizational profiles & practices in Vietnam at the Global Hope Conference organized & participated by hundreds of international policy & business experts around the globe.
"Hot above - cold below" - "Open or close" - "In-sync business model" - "People-centric" are the 4 typical organisations in their Fear zone, Learning Zone, Resilient Zone & Value-aligned Zone.

Iron Mike
March 2020
Train the Trainers: 20 Hours Doing the Right Things Right
It is a growing acceptance that corporates must respect human rights & that corporate human rights abuse can have a significant impact on businesses. However global & local corporate human-right frameworks keep observing disappointingly low scores of responsible business conducts (RBC).
Heavy investment on due diligence & due diligence reporting with unclear RBC boundaries as well as controversial RBC rankings likely demotivate corporates to perform RBC consistently & sustainably
along their global supply chains.
The online TOT was divided into 4 weekly sessions with enrollment of 50 professionals who aims to motivate individuals, corporates & their suppliers to provide more measurable & sustainable RBC practices.

Anne Nguyen
December 2020
Mini Exhibition: 50 Work-Inspired Comics
"The comics are so mind - provoking and challenging us... They are a revolutionary approach in education & corporate training..."
"These comics enhance our self-thinking & self-challenging ability ... They are worth a thousand of words.
"It is about corporate governance...organisational development...people development.."
"I like the way Covid19 was focused in these comics...they seem to speak out on our behalf...so many concerns, worries about future for workers like us...but i like this comic as it shows the Vietnamese spirit of sharing hardship during Covid...maybe this is why we win Covid in Vietnam"

Anne Nguyen