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Harari argues that the next stage was inevitable. It was the development of democracy. He argues that the bureaucracy and the centralization of power was essential to carry out the mission of the state. Democracy, he argues, is the ideal form of a state because it allows the demos to control the state. He argues that democracy is not an inevitable and universal outcome of the increasing intelligence of societies. Democracies arose only in particular times and places. The technology and social and political conditions essential to the development of democracy have not yet emerged in many places, and this is not only due to the global impacts of contemporary technology and global capitalism, but also because of the long-term impacts of state failure and the lack of a social contract or social contract theory. This means that the world is vulnerable to future crises of political choice, but also that it is possible to realize the democratic ideal even today. Harari concludes the chapter with a call for what he calls “social engineering to the benefit of all,” which he describes as the elimination of income inequality and the distribution of wealth to the less wealthy.
We also want to understand how the health systems we do have function in the developing world. How do they work and how do they fail? How do the social relationships, economic interactions, and technical/technological infrastructures of the health system interact with other social, political, economic, and infrastructural systems in a way that enables health outcomes over time? This approach focuses on the interaction of environmental, economic and social systems and their real-time impacts on people’s health. This is not to suggest, however, that the systems being studied are only biological, only economic, or only environmental. It is to suggest that all three systems, biological, economic and environmental, are part of the same dynamic, and must be addressed together to understand the conditions that enable or undermine health. It is to suggest that the study of global health includes an understanding of how the complex, interacting, and interlocking social and economic systems of the developing world constitute health.
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