Evar 37 Candydoll
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The first algorithm-based study of patients treated by EVAR forruptured AAA was conducted by Hadenberg etal. in the early 2000s.1 The results fromthese studies on the technical effectiveness ofthe EVAR procedure for ruptured aneurysmsrevealed a number of observed predictors of pooroutcome, including use of preoperative open repair,aneurysm size, and intraoperative thrombosis of theaneurysmal sac.1 These studies, however, includedfewer than half of all patients treated with rEVAR.
In the last decade, more than 150 patients withrAAAs underwent EVAR at Albany Medical Center.Since our first ruptured EVAR (rEVAR) case, we havemade significant modifications in our approach thathave enabled us to treat the vast majority of patientswith ruptured aneurysms by endovascular means, withimproved outcomes.1
In the last decade, more than 150 patients withrAAAs underwent EVAR at Albany Medical Center.Since our first ruptured EVAR (rEVAR) case, we havemade significant modifications in our approachthathave enabled us to treat the vast majority of patientswith ruptured aneurysms by endovascular means,with improved outcomes.1 7211a4ac4a