How to Use NumXL Excel for Time Series Analysis
NumXL Excel is a powerful add-in that allows you to perform various time series analysis functions in Excel. Whether you want to forecast, model, or test your data, NumXL Excel can help you do it easily and efficiently.
In this article, we will show you how to use NumXL Excel for some common time series analysis tasks, such as:
Descriptive statistics and plots
Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions
Stationarity and unit root tests
ARIMA modeling and forecasting
Granger causality and cointegration tests
Before we start, make sure you have NumXL Excel installed on your computer. You can download a free trial version from here.
numxl excel
Descriptive Statistics and Plots
The first step in any time series analysis is to explore your data and get some descriptive statistics and plots. NumXL Excel makes this easy with its Data Explorer wizard.
To use the Data Explorer wizard, select your data range in Excel and click on the NumXL tab. Then click on the Data Explorer icon.
A dialog box will appear where you can choose the options for your analysis. You can select the type of plot you want (line, histogram, boxplot, etc.), the summary statistics you want (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, etc.), and the frequency of your data (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). You can also apply transformations to your data (logarithm, differencing, etc.) if needed.
After you click OK, NumXL Excel will generate a report sheet with your selected options. You can see the plot of your data, the summary statistics table, and the frequency distribution table. You can also modify the plot settings and format by right-clicking on the chart.
Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation Functions
The next step in time series analysis is to examine the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of your data. These functions measure the correlation between the values of your data at different lags. They can help you identify the patterns and trends in your data, as well as the possible order of an ARIMA model.
To use the Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) wizards in NumXL Excel, select your data range in Excel and click on the NumXL tab. Then click on the ACF or PACF icon.
A dialog box will appear where you can choose the options for your analysis. You can select the maximum lag for the functions, the confidence interval for the significance bars, and the frequency of your data. You can also apply transformations to your data if needed.
After you click OK, NumXL Excel will generate a report sheet with your selected options. You can see the plot of the ACF or PACF function, as well as the table of values and significance levels. You can also modify the plot settings and format by right-clicking on the chart.
Stationarity and Unit Root Tests
A key assumption in many time series models is that the data is stationary. This means that the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of the data do not change over time. If the data is not stationary, it may contain a unit root, which means that it has a stochastic trend that makes it unpredictable.
To test whether your data is stationary or has a unit root, you can use one of the several tests available in NumXL Excel. These include:
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test
Phillips-Perron (PP) test
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test
Zivot-Andrews (ZA) test
Lee-Strazicich (LS) test
To use any of these tests in NumXL Excel, select your data range in Excel and click on the NumXL tab. Then click on the Unit Root Test icon.
A dialog box will appear where you can choose the test you want to use, as well as the options for your analysis. You can select the type 06063cd7f5