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The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has developed or continues to develop a suite of the most useful indicators for monitoring and evaluating public health in California programs. They include: chronic disease surveillance, immunization rates, hospital and emergency response, health care access, the Healthy People 2020 objectives, immunization disease activity, maternal and child health, communicable disease trends, diabetes prevention, nursing home abuse and mistreatment, tobacco use, and a number of others. The California Department of Public Health's CalIndicators project has detailed documentation of the history of these indicators, describes the indicators' uses, and documents the use and impact of these indicators. How well do the indicators estimate the health status and health care access of California's population? Most measures have credibility. But Chronic Disease Surveillance Data (CDS) is the only indicator that has been extensively validated. This project and related projects have examined important questions about the population health that will be useful for the present and future. The Healthy People 2020 diabetes indicator is a good example of a measure that indicates that we are not doing as well as we should for diabetics even after the passage of Proposition 1, the Insurance Reform Act of 1988. This indicator would be improved by the provision of national data on diabetes rates, including the most expensive cases. In contrast, the smoking rate and the quit rate are easy to evaluate and understand, but lack nation-wide data. As a result of this CalIndicators project, a number of CalIndicator reports have been or will be updated.
Furthermore, the possibility of flooding being the only security of the common systems makes them more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Improved risk planning and mitigation can reduce exposure to any geologic hazard, so mitigation is a technically and administratively feasible option. As with other types of events, a defined risk is matched with a defined mitigation strategy. If one takes a target level of risk, for example, the likelihood of reaching that level with conventional strategies is often estimated, usually based on a known probability distribution, such as a probability density function. With a known probability distribution, one can use these functions to estimate figures of merit. d2c66b5586