Nana Kamare: A Sinhala Comedy Teledrama Starring Bandu Samarasinghe
Nana Kamare (ààà ààààà) is a Sinhala comedy teledrama that features the popular actor Bandu Samarasinghe (ààààà ààààààà) in the lead role. The teledrama revolves around the hilarious situations that arise when Bandu, a middle-aged bachelor, moves into a rented room next to a bathroom that is shared by several other tenants. He soon finds himself in trouble with his landlord, his neighbors, and his love interest, played by Rebecca Nirmali (àààààà àààààààà).
The teledrama was directed by Giriraj Kaushalya (àààààààà ààààààâàº), who is also known for his comedy roles in films and stage dramas. The teledrama also features Rodney Warnakula (àààààà ààààààà), who plays Bandu's friend and partner in crime. The teledrama was telecasted on LUTV-DramaFever in 2016 and received positive reviews from the audience.
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If you are looking for a Sinhala comedy teledrama that will make you laugh out loud, you can download Nana Kamare from the following link: Nana Kamare Sinhala Full Teledrama Download. You can also watch the trailer of the teledrama on YouTube: Nana Kamare Sinhala Full Teledrama Trailer. Enjoy!
Nana Kamare is not only a comedy teledrama, but also a social satire that exposes the problems and challenges faced by the urban poor in Sri Lanka. The teledrama portrays the struggles of Bandu and his fellow tenants, who have to deal with issues such as high rents, water shortages, sanitation problems, noise pollution, and harassment from the authorities. The teledrama also shows how Bandu tries to cope with his loneliness and insecurity by pursuing his romantic interest, who is a married woman with a child.
The teledrama has a talented cast of actors who have proven their skills in various fields of entertainment. Bandu Samarasinghe is one of the most popular and versatile comedians in Sri Lanka, who has acted in over 100 films and stage dramas. He is known for his witty dialogues and expressions that can make anyone laugh. Rebecca Nirmali is a veteran actress who has appeared in many teledramas and films, and has won several awards for her performances. She plays the role of Bandu's love interest, who is unhappy with her husband and seeks solace in Bandu's company.
Rodney Warnakula is another well-known comedian who has a long-standing partnership with Bandu Samarasinghe. They have acted together in many films and stage dramas, and have a great chemistry on screen. Rodney plays the role of Bandu's friend, who often gets him into trouble with his schemes and pranks. The teledrama also features other actors such as Anton Jude (àààààà àààà), Susila Kottage (àààààà ààààààà), Sanoja Bibile (ààààà àààààà), and Ananda Wickramage (ààààà ààààâàààà), who play the roles of the landlord, the neighbors, and the police officers respectively. 29c81ba772