Myanmar Font Install Manually
You should give pacman the ability to manage your fonts, which is done by creating an Arch package. These can also be shared with the community in the AUR. The packages to install fonts are particularly similar; see Font packaging guidelines.
If you are seeing errors similar to this and/or seeing blocks instead of characters in your application then you need to add fonts and update the font cache. This example uses the ttf-liberation fonts to illustrate the solution (after successful installation of the package) and runs as root to enable them system-wide.
Applications and browsers select and display fonts depending upon fontconfig preferences and available font glyph for Unicode text. To list installed fonts for a particular language, issue a command fc-list :lang="two letter language code". For instance, to list installed Arabic fonts or fonts supporting Arabic glyph:
6. Confirm the font was installed. Settings will automatically show the new font as the first item in the list of installed fonts below the drag-and-drop interface to confirm it was successfully installed. (The fonts will be alphabetically sorted again if you return to the page.) The app will also group multiple font faces, such as Roboto Bold or Roboto Italic, under a single font to prevent duplicates from cluttering up the list.
Font Book automatically checks for duplicates when you install a font, and shows a message if the font is already installed. You can choose whether to keep both versions, skip font installation, or replace the existing font with the new font.
If, before deleting the Japanese editing language and fonts, you create a document containing Japanese text and manually mark the proofing language of the text in the document as Japanese, the Japanese proofing language setting remains even after you delete the editing language and fonts.
A number of additional fonts are available for Desktop and Server, including all other fonts from previous releases. However, not all of these are pre-installed by default in all images. In order to make disk usage and font choices more relevant to users according to the languages that they use, a number of fonts have been moved into optional, on-demand packages. These packages are designed around the different scripts that fonts are primarily intended to support, and most are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard). Any of these Feature On Demand (FOD) packages can also be installed manually via Settings. To add font packages manually, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.
Some devices (such as the HTC M8) offer a Get Fonts Online from the built-in font selector (Figure D). Tap the GET FONTS ONLINE button, select the Play Store option, go through the listing of fonts, select one you like, and install the font.
To deactivate all supplemental fonts right click on the new Supplemental location in the sidebar and choose Deactivate.Of course you can also manually pick some fonts to deactivate, for more information about deactivating fonts see the activation article.
For years I have bemoaned the incomplete and broken implementation of script-specific font configuration in Internet Explorer. The ability to manually configure what font to use for what Unicode script is a killer feature for me, and something that in my opinion should make Internet Explorer vastly superior to Chrome, which does not allow the user to choose what font to use by default for particular Unicode scripts (in the absense of a font being explicitly specified by the page being read). For multilingual users, especially those who work with more obscure scripts and languages, I find that Internet Explorer generally provides a much better experience, with fewer annoying little boxes for unsupported characters. (I have had bad experiences with Firefox in the past, but reinstalled it for this blog post and was pleasantly surprised by its multiscript support, which is much better than I remember.)
When Internet Explorer 11 installed itself on my laptop recently, the first thing I did was check the Font configuration setting, as I did with IE7 and IE8 and IE9 and IE10 when they first appeared, but as no changes had been made for IE7 through IE10 I was not expecting anything new from IE11. Imagine my suprise then, when I opened the font configuration dialog and discovered that the list of languages has been expanded from 37 to 55. That seems like one big step forward!
Why exclude these 47 scripts? Well, the answer is that they are all scripts for which Microsoft does not currently support at the font level. So it seems that the Microsoft thinking is that users should only be allowed to configure what font to use for what script if Microsoft provides a font for that script. If Microsoft does not currently provide a font for a particular script, but you have third party fonts installed that cover that script, then hard luck. I have to say that this is a very disappointing attitude, and makes it very frustrating for users like myself who are immensely grateful to Microsoft for supporting minor scripts such as Mongolian, Phags-pa, Tibetan, Yi, etc. but who also wish to use scripts for which Microsoft does not yet provide support.
Firstly, the Myanmar configuration lists the "Myanmar Text" font, but the sample just shows boxes. Wait a minute, I don't have the "Myanmar Text" font installed on my Windows 7 laptop, because that font only ships with Windows 8 and later. And for that matter, I don't have the "Nirmala UI" font listed for Sora Sompeng or the "Javanese Text" font listed for Javanese either.
Thirdly, although the Mongolian dialog now lists Microsoft's "Mongolian Baiti" font, it does not list any of the several other third-party Unicode Mongolian fonts installed on my system. I suspect that the Mongolian bug has not been fixed at all, but the dialog has simply been hard-coded to show the "Mongolian Baiti" font. I have a sinking feeling about this. Let's take a look at Phags-pa, as I recently and belatedly updated my Phags-pa fonts to work under Windows 7+. Will they be listed?
After a little investigation, it becomes clear that none of the eighteen new IE11 font configuration dialogs (for Bopomofo, Buginese, Coptic, Deseret, Glagolitic, Gothic, Javanese, New Tai Lue, N'Ko, Ol Chiki, Old Italic, Old Turkic, Osmanya, Phags-pa, Sora Sompeng, Tai Le, Tifinagh, Vai) list any installed third-party fonts that cover the particular script. Furthermore, all eighteen dialogs only list a single font, even in the case of Bopomofo which is covered by more than ten Microsoft fonts in Windows 7, so no choice of font is possible. The inescapable conclusion is that the eighteen new font configuration dialogs in IE11 (and also the dialog for Mongolian) simply list a single hard-coded Microsoft font for each script (even if the listed font is not installed on the system), giving the user absolutely no choice whatsoever over font configuration for these scripts. In other words, the IE11 changes to font configuration are a facade thinly disguising a fake implementation. Who in Microsoft, I wonder, decided that a fake implementation that gives the user no choice (not even Hobson's choice as you cannot not select the proffered Microsoft font) was in any way better than not having the font configuration dialogs for these scripts?
In fact, if you install a good third-party Unicode Tibetan font such as Chris Fynn's Jomolhari, it will be listed in the Tibetan font configuration dialog, but if you select it you will still only ever see "Microsoft Himalaya" used to render unstyled Tibetan text on web pages. So what's the point?
Once the fonts are active, they are added to the font menu in each application, alongside all of your locally installed fonts. They will be immediately available in most programs, but a few need to be restarted to add new fonts to the menu (for example, Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office).
You can quickly reinstall fonts on the Adobe Fonts website by clicking the cloud icon next to the font name in your Active Fonts list. Once the fonts are reinstalled, they will show up as usual in all your font menus.
By default ONLYOFFICE Docs uses embedded free fonts (true type only in .ttf format) from the operating system where ONLYOFFICE Docs is installed. If you would like to use additional fonts you can do the following:
ONLYOFFICE Docs always has a certain set of fonts with it. When installed it will check the presence of the following font files in the system: arial.ttf, calibri.ttf, cour.ttf, symbol.ttf, times.ttf, wingding.ttf.
When a document is opened for the first time, ONLYOFFICE Docs will check which fonts are present in the document and uploads it from the computer with ONLYOFFICE Docs installation. In case the document contains fonts absent from the ONLYOFFICE Docs computer, it will upload the closest font substitute (the document layout and display might suffer from such substitution).
I haven't messed with fonts much personally. If you want to embed the font in the PDF, I believe the font has to be installed on the web server, but I think the font list that you see in Report Designer is your local computer's list of fonts. Not sure if that helps here, but thought I'd mention it.
It's weird that the font list in Report Designer is only showing you what's on your machine, not what's on the web server, so you have to type the font name manually after installing it on the web server.
Displaying text is an important task in most apps, so in Android Q we're continuing to introduce new features to support your needs and improve performance. We disabled hyphenation by default, enabled creating a typeface using multiple fonts or font families, exposed the list of fonts installed on the device, and improved some of the most-used text styling APIs. 2b1af7f3a8