Serial Number Visible Body 3d Human Anatomy Atlas 2 15 |VERIFIED|
The evolution of the process, specifically the emergence of the visible human project, provided researchers with 3D anatomical images useful in training, learning, understanding, and communicating. However, some medical researchers feel uneasy about its usefulness, particularly in cases where it is difficult to get permission to use real bodies. In the Visible Human Project images, the bodies were posed with clinical standards: the head was tilted in a fixed position in order to prevent hair loss, and arms were placed in a static position so that the body could be dissected.
In order to display images of the body in a 3D manner, a detailed data set of cross-sectional photographs of the human body was created. However, it is also important to convey the inherent limitations to all 3D imagery when it comes to the detailed reading. The depth of field of digital still cameras limits spatial resolution to 20 to 60 pixels per degree. This means that in a photograph taken at a distance of 25 mm the depth of field is of the same size as the spatial resolution. In other words, we can only view a small percentage of the object in its actual size. Think of the anti-aliasing filter on a screen: the blurring provides us with an impression of depth and bulk. However, it is important to remember that it only shows a small part of the object. Slicing it at different depths will not alter the overall appearance. So it is a misconception to believe that every 3D object looks the same everywhere in its real world size.
The presenters gave the update on the progress of the data set and the group discussed some of the issues surrounding the project. For example, according to the NLM, the project would have a lot fewer potential of hostile reactions if a real individual were to be used, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find volunteers to donate their bodies. Of course, public concerns about the appropriateness of cadavers are still present. Jernigan's uncertain body donation left the public worried about quality control and whether the cadavers would represent the situation accurately.[4] d2c66b5586