Work Systems Mikell P Groover Pdf Download
Answer: The two categories given in the text are (1) facilities, which consist of the factory, the equipment inthe factory, and the way the equipment is organized; and (2) manufacturing support systems, which is the setof procedures used by the company to manage production and to solve the technical and logistics problemsencountered in ordering materials, moving the work through the factory, and ensuring that products meetquality standards. Product design and certain business functions are included among the manufacturingsupport systems.
Answer: A manufacturing system is a logical grouping of equipment in the factory and the worker(s) whooperate(s) it. Examples include worker-machine systems, production lines, and machine cells. A productionsystem is a larger system that includes a collection of manufacturing systems and the support systems used tomanage them. A manufacturing system is a subset of the production system.
1 Manufacturing systems are divided into three categories, according to worker participation. Name the three categories. Answer: The three categories are (1) manual work systems, (2) worker-machine systems, and (3) automated systems.
The course is designed to build on a customer-centered perspective, understanding and skills to meet future industrial situation. By working in an industrial project the students will be trained to identify and analyze problems based on given conditions in an actual industrial context. After the course the student should:have insight how manufacturing equipment, handling equipment and control technology are utilized for the design and operation of flexible manufacturing systems, also, taking into account the interaction between man and able to use concepts and models for analysis of production systems with consideration to product development and production able to design production systems for various industrial needs.In the context of a small project engineering team discuss and argue for the selected solutions for a production system design.
The course covers various types of production systems and for which such industrial applications as they are most prevalent. We will examine how the different processing methods, production equipment, handling equipment and control technology work together with respect to product, machine and man.The theoretical part includes, for example: 153554b96e