4 Soul Calibur IV Ps3.rar.rar
4 Soul Calibur IV Ps3.rar.rar --->>> https://blltly.com/2t2pRZ
The ability to change physical attributes and muscularity, which was present in Soulcalibur IV, has been removed. In this game, however, it has been replaced by the ability to adjust the rotation, position and size of some equipped items, such as certain headwear which might not fit exactly right, depending on what hairstyle is selected. Original characters can not be re-dressed with custom character items like in Soulcalibur IV, although their colors may be edited. In addition to editing the characters' appearance, the player may create a custom vs. screen photo for each custom character. The player has some control over the character's pose in the photo, as well as the camera position and the photo's frame and background. The number of custom character slots has been reduced from 50 in Soulcalibur IV to 16 in Broken Destiny.
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny features an English language and Japanese language mode for both text and speech. Custom characters, however, can only be named using the ASCII naming interface, regardless of the language setting.
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