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Inderdaad. bass electronics bestaat blijkbaar nog. ik dacht dat id al lang verdwenen waren. ik ken die nog uit de jaren 80 toen wij daar ooit eens een Orcad licentie gekocht hebben ( baas verkocht dat toen, ze hadden ook nog ander spul... de opvolger van smartwork dacht ik. van Wintek, hiwire of zoiets, ik kan mis zijn, tis lang geleden.)
So it looks as if I have an interesting situation here. I'm not sure if it's possible to use the serial #s on an upgraded server. My search of a backup server on the web yielded no results. In my search of an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) server...and looking for a cheap one that's compatible with Backup Exec 2012. The OEMs that make the cheap or very low cost ones are the ones that don't sell them to the public. I've done some searching on eBay and other online auction sites and found some OEM's. But the prices for them are in the $300-$400 range. So, I'm thinking....it's not worth buying one. That's why I'm looking for someone to help me out here and send me the darn thing for free. Anyone out there?
Tim is a long time user of BE2012 and he's been working on figuring out how to get it up and running. He has figured out how to get BE2012 working on Windows 7 and Windows 8, but only with the very last build of BE2012. He has also discovered that this build only has a 32bit version. So, now he has to decide if he will do an upgrade to Windows 10 and then try to find a way to get BE2012 working again or if he will wait a while to see if Symantec will release a 64bit version of the product.
We then used the ADK to create an ISO image of the new BE2014 server. We tried to use the standard BE2014 ISO file on the server image, but the installer failed to boot. We ended up using the Windows PE 4 version and that went smoothly. Our BE2014 ISO image is 1.6GB in size. 827ec27edc