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It is true, the savages of our frontier country, and elsewhere dispense with the use of letters; and at a treaty, Canajohalas and other chiefs make their marks. They are able counsellors, and bloody warriors, notwithstanding. The Little Turtle defeated general St. Clair, who is a man of genius, and literary education; and yet the Little Turtle can neither read nor write, any more than a wild Turkey; or a water Terapin. But let it be considered, that the deliberations of the council-house, at the Miami Towns, embrace but simple objects; and a man may throw a tomhawk, that holds a pen, but very awkwardly. So that there is nothing to be infered from this, candidly speaking. I grant, that Charlemagne, made his mark, by diping his hand in ink, and placing it upon the parchment. It was his hand, no doubt; but it must have taken up a large portion of the vellum; and it would have saved expence, if he could have signed himself, in a smaller character. But what may pass, in an illiterate age, with an emperor, will not be so well received in a more enlightened period, and in the case of a common person.
But the lawyers will say, “how can we help it we are not our own masters, we are bought with a price. The client will have talk for his money. He purchases his plantation by the acre; he sells his wheat by the bushel; or if a shopkeeper in the city, he measures tape by the yard. Omnia deus dedit, says the Latin scholar, Numero, mensura, et pondere. He will have quantity, let what will go with the quality. For of that he is not a judge.
[...], the measure of Faith.] Here the Greek Scholiasts agree in the Exposition of these words, that by the measure of Faith we are to understand the measure of Gifts proceeding from that miraculous Faith which was required to the exercise of them. [...], for Faith is the [...] of these Gifts, saith Chrysostom; and when they found this Faith raised in them, they exercised them; they being given, saith Theodoret, according to the measure of their Faith. This Faith enabled them to rem ve M [...]ntains, 1 Cor. 13.2. to heal the sick, James 5.15. to cast out Devils, Matth. 17.20. And hence St. Peter exhorts them who had received these Gifts, to minister them [...], as from the ability, or strength of Faith that God giveth, 1 Pet. 4.11. and this is elsewhere stiled the measure of the Gift of Christ. Eph. 4.7. This they did, faith(a) Origen, [...], by this faith; [...], as every one received the Gift from Christ, saith(b) Irenaeus. The Phrase occurs twice in(c) Maimonides, where he saith, God declared that he would try the Jews with false Prophets, to know mensuram fidei vestrae in veritate legis the measure of their faith in the law, & ad mensuram fidei vestrae in lucem producendum, num firmiter, & constanter persistatis in e [...]. Whence we learn, that the strength and firmness of Faith is the measure of it. 153554b96e